Racing Paddleboards

How to Choose the Best Paddleboard for Racing

A Racing Paddle Board is for the SUP athlete interested in racing, SUP for health, or searching for a board focused on speed. These longer, sleeker designs will tear thru waves, prioritize tracking, and attain speeds unmatched by some other stand-up paddleboards. SUP racing assists you in getting in form, meeting new people, and decorating your fitness typically. Paddleboard racing is complex, and continuous gaining of knowledge is enjoyable. 

The aggressive temperament of many paddle boarders and athletes from different sports activities makes paddle boarding a popular recreational pastime. The first convincing argument is that paddleboard racing blesses locals and tourists. In the hobby of the greater truth, paddleboard racing stimulates the neighborhood economy. 

A wide variety of registered competitions will contribute to the neighborhood financial system. Not to say that many people would require lodging, meals, leisure, souvenirs, board repair, SUP apartment offerings, etc. Imagine the amount of cash that could be input into the local economy. Additionally, they will return home with an abundance of income. Many events have corresponding causes, as is common understanding; many paddle boarders experience lower back. 

If your choice is correct, you could also participate in the race and donate the proceeds to charitable businesses. You can, without difficulty, discover the excellent SUP races for charitable reasons, along with autism, diabetes, and local animal shelters.

What is Paddleboard Racing?

Paddleboarding is a historical talent first used to catch fish and tour islands in locations like Hawaii. However, it has obtained organizations following as a sport over the years. It made headlines in 2004 when Hawaiian began using it to teach for extensive wave browsing. Paddleboard Racing is a game wherein stand-up paddleboards are raced, and paddleboard racers use long, streamlined forums designed for pace, tracking, and maneuverability. 

Paddleboard Racing can be conducted on loads of bodies of water, with rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some paddleboard races are conducted in a lengthy direction. In contrast, others take the vicinity on a limited route with turns and obstacles. Racing SUPs excel in open water, flat water, and offshore conditions. The board may be longer and skinnier than an All-Purpose SUP, and it’ll have a displacement hull, each reducing drag. 

The morphologies of those forums aren’t arbitrary; they are designed, tested, and analyzed in actual race or downwind conditions to decide the premier form for rocket speed. However, the gold standard SUP racing season is in mid-January and October. The SUP users will compete in a race on beaches, lakes, and rivers. You may have witnessed friends or strangers take part in the action. You presumably have in no way participated. But one aspect is sure: paddle board racing will notably alter your existence. And you may experience it and no longer regret making such an impact.

What are the Most Important Features of a Racing SUP Board?

Racing SUPs excel in open water, flat water, and offshore conditions. The board will be longer and skinnier than something like an All-Purpose SUP, and it will have a displacement hull, both of which reduce drag. The morphologies of these boards are not arbitrary; they are designed, tested, and analyzed in actual race or downwind conditions to determine the optimal shape for rocket speed.

With this knowledge, the following are the most essential characteristics of a competition SUP board:


There are three number-one SUP racing classes: 12’6, 14′, and Unlimited. Before we delve into the specifics of the divisions, let’s examine how the length of the board influences the traits of a race SUP. Length is vital attention when choosing a race SUP for multiple reasons. A longer board has a longer effective waterline, which enhances its speed, in which longer boards are quicker than shorter ones. Longer forums also tend to track greater immediately, which can similarly grow your velocity in a direct line. 

Also, longer forums can beautify the wetted surface vicinity, making them more buoyant and, therefore, extra appropriate for heavier riders. On the other hand, shorter race boards are less complicated to move and make it much simpler to execute a buoy kick turn because you don’t need to step back as a long way (in which the board will become unstable) to disengage the nose. Shorter race SUPs also perform better in seaside races because of their greater capacity to journey swells. 

The 14-foot board magnificence is the maximum prominent board magnificence within the globe, with predominant occasions promoting it as the number one or essential occasion class; consequently, you should probably bear in mind a 14-foot race board. The event organizer won’t inherently disqualify you for using a specific board elegance; however, you’ll not be capable of competing within the foremost occasion. Most races have a 14′ & under department that enables you to compete on a board that is 12′ 6 or shorter; however, you will sacrifice speed. 

Certain races, which include a surf race or a dash race with several turns, may be tailored for a shorter board. It is fashionable, but most paddlers need to consider a 14-foot race board as their first option. Unlimited boards are unusual and are utilized in preeminent open ocean downwind competitions. The 18-foot length of those forums makes them ideal for downwind situations, bearing in mind improved glide and the capability to capture runs. 

In addition, they have got a rudder machine that permits you to persuade the board with fewer steps. This can increase the satisfaction of paddling downwind and within the ocean, as less paddle and foot guidance will be required.


The width of a stand-up paddleboard is the most crucial consideration for newcomers to SUP racing. Stability is directly affected by width, and being stable and able to paddle is essential for a successful race or session.

While elite riders can ride 21-inch and sub-20-inch wide boards, most intermediate and advanced riders should consider boards with a width of approximately 23 inches. Before advancing to a narrower, speedier board, novice paddlers and those new to SUP racing should consider a board with a width of 24.5′′ to 26′′. 

A concave board will feel different than one with a convex bottom. A pintail board will feel different than one with a square tail, so talk to as many people as you can, and if possible, contact your local dealer to test the board out first. Always keep in mind that stability is more crucial than quickness. You cannot be swift while swimming in the water.

Planing vs Displacement Hull

When choosing a race board, the two primary hull varieties to consider are planing and displacement. The primary distinction between a paddleboard with a planing hull and one with a displacement hull is how the board moves through the water.


In evaluation, a planing vessel can have a flat or convex Vee-fashioned bottom contour. Planing hulls are designed for touring on the pinnacle of the water at high speeds, so the board will essentially skim across the water’s floor. This makes them extraordinarily maneuverable. To accomplish this, their tails are usually extraordinarily flat. 

Remember that you can’t make a rounded bottom board as slim as a displacement hull. In the ocean or choppy water conditions, forums with planning profiles are best for gliding along or over waves and technical route racing, where maneuverability is crucial. These forums typically perform correctly in a considerable type of conditions.


The bottom contour of a displacement hull is concave (or a sequence of concave). The number one advantage of a concave board is the potential to move narrower for extended velocity because the layout’s expanded floor place produces stability. Instead of driving excessively on the water like a planning vessel, this layout plows through and divides the water. SUPs with displacement hulls could have a pointed snout that engages the water and extends the board’s waterline. 

The hull slices through the water, pushing water across the nose and to the perimeters of the SUP to boost performance and create a quick, clean voyage. Paddling a boat with a displacement hull requires much less exertion than paddling a boat with a planing hull, permitting you to go quicker. They may be much less maneuverable in widespread use than planing hulls, regardless of tracking nicely and instantly. Typically, you’ll pick a race SUP with a displacement hull for flatwater and lengthy-distance course activities.


Regarding board volume, essential factors include weight capacity and buoyancy in critical areas. Suppose the board does not displace the appropriate quantity of water for your weight. It would help if you were adequately supported, and the board may feel unstable. The board’s volume and weight capacity influence how stable you feel and how well the board performs in the water. 

Generally, a lesser and heavier individual should not ride the same board. Check the weight limits of the boards before selecting a board. Buoyancy in critical areas such as the deck and tail can enhance performance characteristics. 

A substantial volume on the deck can aid in creating lift or ‘pop’ when piercing through waves or swell, preventing the board from diving too profoundly or bogging down. The tail of a race board must also have a substantial volume for the step-back ‘kick’ turn and to prevent sinking, as well as floatation for improved slip/wave riding and sensitivity to bumps.

Inflatable vs Rigid

Rigid paddleboards are better for racing than inflatable paddleboards. The journey at the rigid board is more significant and steady. It is quick and maneuverable in several ways. If you spend a first-rate time on the board, the rigid alternative is the most efficient. The inflatable board is crafted from PVC, is lighter than the rigid board, is less complicated to move and store, and prices less than the rigid board.

In SUP racing, both inflatable and rigid boards carry out admirably. However, rigid race boards are commonly favored because they’re more nimble and can reduce through the water at higher velocities. However, what an inflatable race board lacks in efficacy, it greater than makes up for in different areas. Regarding move and garage, inflatable paddle boards are advanced because they may be packed right into a backpack and positioned in a closet, vehicle trunk, or on a plane. 

Inflatable forums are typically made from 1-2 layers of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) connected using nylon stitches. Some of the latest state-of-the-art models feature carbon fiber sheets encased in PVC layers along the board’s top, backside, and facet rails for increased stress. The frame cloth is flexible enough to allow the board to crumble and be coiled up when deflated; however resilient enough to face up to the excessive pressure required to offer a stable driving platform when fully inflated.

Traditional inflexible forums have an EPS (improved polystyrene) foam middle encased in fiberglass and epoxy. Some inexpensive fashions are made from plastic. However, the efficacy of those merchandise could be better. Some high-overall performance fashions are constructed with carbon fiber, and their premium production and overall performance are commonly accompanied by top-rate price tags.

SUP racing necessarily includes collisions with other competitors. Therefore, even though you will be tempted to pick out carbon fiber or carbon sandwich forums because they are the lightest, you ought to be conscious that they’re susceptible to dents and scuffs, which can be steeply-priced and sometimes impossible to repair. An actual race board will be produced from first-rate materials and have reinforcement alongside its margins and status regions to prevent harm in the event of a collision.

The paddler’s priorities determine the choice between a rigid and an inflatable board. In standard, rigid boards outperform their inflatable counterparts, particularly in phrases of pace and balance in uneven situations. However, considerable advances in inflatable generation have made the various quality inflatable forums almost as powerful as conventional rigid forums, with the benefit of portability and garage.

The overall performance of current inflatable paddleboards is adequate for most leisure paddlers, even though rigid fashions typically perform higher and are occasionally much less costly. Serious paddlers and SUP competitors will prefer the performance of a hard paddleboard such as a traditional fiberglass or rigid carbon fiber board.

Carbon Fiber vs Fiberglass Rigid Construction

Essentially, there are two forms of construction for race boards. The first and maximum commonplace cloth is carbon fiber. The second construction material is fiberglass. Carbon fiber and fiberglass are both robust and lightweight, but their excellent residences make them suitable for beautiful packages. Here are several vital differences:

Carbon boards are commonly lighter to move on land, and most paddlers consider this delicacy interpreted adequately to the water. A lighter board out of the water equates to a lighter one inside the water, which is, therefore, quicker. However, this lightweight portability and improved velocity have a fragility not generally related to fiberglass forums. Carbon forums are more prone to dings and flaws because their layers are light. They warm up extra quickly within the solar, resulting in delamination.

Suppose you are a skilled paddler on flat water and are gentle together with your gadget. In that case, a carbon board is an acceptable alternative for you. However, you are an amateur and tend to mark up your board more often than most. In that case, the durability of a fiberglass board may be foremost.

Carbon fiber is less flexible and more tremendously rigid than fiberglass. It has an extra tensile modulus, which suggests that it is proof against deformation beneath strain. Carbon fiber is superior for applications requiring stiffness and tension, together with mechanical additives.

Carbon fiber is more long-lasting and immune to corrosion than fiberglass. It can face up to extra abrasion and effect without cracking or fracturing. For programs requiring flexibility or exposure to extreme environments, fiberglass is superior.

Carbon fiber is more potent and more lightweight than fiberglass. It has a more excellent strength-to-weight ratio, permitting it to preserve more weight with less fabric. Carbon fiber is superior for applications requiring low weight and high performance, which include aerospace and car racing. Carbon fiber is lighter than fiberglass, 70 percent lighter than metal, and forty percent lighter than aluminum. Carbon fiber is lightweight, inflexible, and robust by way of nature. This is why carbon fiber is used in most lightweight overall performance merchandise and is the material of desire for micro quad frames.

Unlike most other substances, carbon fiber has a negative coefficient of thermal enlargement, meaning it does not now enlarge or settle as much as fiberglass while the temperature adjusts. This is an appropriate characteristic for programs that perform in a wide temperature variety.

Insulators and fiberglass composites do not reply to an electric discipline and resist the go with the flow of electrical rate. Extremely radiolucent fiberglass composites permit radiation to freely pass via them. This makes fiberglass rods and fine antenna fabric. Conductive CF is problematic for micro quad body production.

Fiberglass is extra cost-effective. Long carbon filaments are complex and steeply-priced, while fiberglass is much simpler to manipulate. Consequently, fiberglass is markedly greater inexpensive than carbon fiber. In most cases, fiberglass composites are much less expensive than carbon composites.

Fins and Fin Types

A fin is a small piece of equipment that significantly impacts your board’s performance. Consider the recent downwind hydrofoils to understand how much power a foil can generate underwater. A quality SUP race fin requires a well-designed foil with the proper thickness. This prevents you from stalling or increasing drag at assault angles encountered by a SUP. A stand-up paddleboard infrequently travels in a precisely straight line, so this travel angle can result in unnecessary drag.

The selection of a fin is primarily determined by rider preference, race discipline, and environmental conditions. Without specifics, a fin’s height, length, rake, and surface area affect its performance characteristics. Typically, a longer and deeper fin will provide motorcyclists with increased stability, tracking, and “control.” These fins would be better adapted for flatwater races where riding bunch waves is prevalent and open ocean downwind.

For technical beach races, a shorter, shallower fin is preferable for two reasons: running beach starts shallow water entry. Hence, a shorter fin reduces the likelihood of sand entanglement. Additionally, a shorter, smaller fin loosens up the tail of the board, which can considerably enhance the responsiveness of buoy turns, which are common in technical course racing. Suppose you will be racing in bodies of water with weeds, seagrass, or residue. In that case, you should consider a fin with a sharply angled rake to prevent them from snagging and slowing you down.

A superior SUP race fin will accelerate faster and decelerate less, resulting in more excellent glide. A quality fin will also enhance your paddling abilities in the conditions you are paddling in. Straighter tracking in flatwater, tighter buoy turns, and the ability to glide over bumps while downwind. 

SUP Features

Race Handles

First and foremost, a comfortable handle position is vitally essential. Some surfers prefer one or two straps on the rail or drag strap, while others are content with just the center handle. This provides a significant performance advantage regardless of whether you are competing for the podium or grinding out lengthy training sessions. It is optimized for maximum power, increased efficiency, and lasting comfort.

One of the finest handles is triangular, with a back that is wider, flatter, and more erect than our previous ones. The slightly curved back fits naturally in the palm. At the same time, the indentation on the paddle’s face provides comfort and security when encircling the fingers. It aids in maintaining grip when the paddle is rotated forward. While maximizing energy transfer to promote efficient paddling and speed, it maintains comfort during extended races and workouts.


Leash attachments are also essential, with flat-water competition usually using the attachment in the front. In contrast to ocean races, surf, and dash racers typically have a leash affixed at the back of them.

You can use coil restraints if you are competing in a SUP race on a floor other than shifting water. This is because the leash is crafted from a coiled twine, which efficiently shortens the length of the rope and reduces the likelihood of it dragging through the water. In the event of a fall, the coiled phase offers a chunk of separation between you and the board. They are typically affixed with a Velcro cuff across the ankle or calf. They also can be affixed to a brief-launch belt worn at the waist.

With coiled leashes, you need to remember the velocity at which the board springs lower back in your direction. In certain circumstances, it can be speedier than an immediate leash; that’s why they’re now not the satisfactory preference in surfing. If you’re no longer prepared for the cringe, it could leave you with a contusion or potentially damage your equipment. Vital trouble to emphasize. You must now not paddle in shifting water with a coiled leash attached to your lower leg or ankle, as it may be impossible to unfast yourself if you tumble in and become trapped by the contemporary.

Deck pad

Deck pads are crucial for steering and traction and should be addressed. During a race, you may require a quick inside turn or sufficient grip and comfort to capture a wave to the beach. Most of the action during a race will occur in the center of the board while paddling forward and at the rear when pivoting. For racing purposes, the deck pad only needs to extend barely forward of the board’s center.

A deck surface with diamond grooves is recommended for maximum grip if racing in turbulent conditions. Otherwise, a deck surface with a smoother texture may be more comfortable for sensitive feet during extended races or training sessions. When conducting buoy turns, an arch bar and raised edge at the tail of the deck pad helps keep your rear foot in place.

Tail kick pad

A decent race board should have a tail kick pad like a standard surfboard. The rougher textured pad and the end ‘kick’ are essential tools that enable a rider to locate the back of the board without glancing down or behind them, allowing them to maintain their concentration on the race. Without one, stepping too far off the back of the board is extremely simple when riding waves or executing buoy turns.

A kicker or kick tail is a raised section of deck cushioning on the tail of certain surfboards. Step-back movements are performed by placing one’s foot against the kicktail. On the very tail of the paddle board, there will be a D-ring for attaching the rope. Most inflatable paddle boards will have an inflation valve on the tail. Although there are paddle boards with a front-mounted inflation valve. Some paddle boards have an additional grip on the rudder.


SUP racing mounts are add-ons that can help you affix your GPS, digital camera, and different gadgets to your board. Additionally, they can enhance your performance and protection on the water. Additionally, you could inspect mounts for GoPros, GPS watches, and comparable gadgets to sign your consultation and take a selfie with your peers.

You prefer a lightweight, durable mount and proof against corrosion. Carbon fiber and fiberglass are possible alternatives. You prefer a mount that is easy to enter and no longer prevents your paddling or equilibrium. Specific mounts may be affixed to the board’s handle, nostril, or tail. The balance and compatibility of the mount. It would help if you had a mount that securely suits your tool and stops it from sliding off or turning into damage. Some mounts affix to the board with FCS plugs, Velcro straps, or suction cups.

Different Race SUP Classes

Paddleboards designed for racing are classified through their utmost length and layout. Two major categories are boards as much as 12’6″ and 14′ in period.

In addition, there is limitless magnificence, which refers to forums that can be longer than 14 feet or have an unusual layout compared to forums with different instructions. In addition, inflatable paddle forums are not unusual in SUP races, and we expect the summer pandemic to increase the use of inflatable paddle forums. Additionally, humans use surf shapes and touring boards.

Based on the length of your board, there are three distinct SUP racing classes: 12 ‘6”, 14”, and unlimited12. Longer boards are faster but less intense than shorter ones. The 14-foot division is the most popular. However, beginners prefer the 12-foot-six-inch class. The limitless magnificence is for downwind-precise racing. 

They aren’t the quality option for a SUP race, but if you need to present it, try not to avoid having a paddle board designed for SUP racing, a touring board is acceptable. There are extra styles of race boards; the ones listed above are merely an introduction to the maximum popular alternatives among paddlers.

Difference Between Performance

You have to recall whether or not you decide upon a board that makes a specialty of one issue and can be used for all SUP sports and races or an all-round board that may be used for all SUP sports and races but may not provide the very best stage of performance in the one’s activities and games.

Additionally, it would help if you were privy to the maximum standard board dimensions for the SUP races in which you intend to compete. In certain areas, female paddlers compete predominantly within the 12 ‘6 class instead of the 14′ magnificence. In contrast, male paddlers compete predominantly within the 14’ class. However, it’s not possible to predict if or while the fashion will be the opposite.

Therefore, there is no need to be pissed off and buy a brand new board if you no longer get hold of the most popular board in the nearby SUP races. And sure, types of SUP boards are more famous in a single area than others, so if you intend to participate in many video games, you may not stay in one area.

Therefore, even if your board is not popular in a single location, it can be the appropriate board for every other. Before purchasing a board, you may continually go online to find out what kind is maximum accepted in your region.

You need to consider your length and weight while deciding on a race board, just as you’ll while selecting a regular SUP board. It is not a great idea to immediately buy what all other paddlers are shopping for with little notion. You must recognize your blessings and drawbacks in addition to your barriers. The most vital factor in purchasing a race board is finding one that fits you exceptionally.

Stability is one of the most critical aspects of the board. If you purchase a solid board while driving, it could no longer be the first-rate alternative; however, at the least, you may comprehend it’s no longer the worst. Ensure the steadiness of your paddleboard before thinking about its efficacy.

With a stable board, you could paddle with full force, which is more crucial than simply obtaining the fastest board viable, as you may no longer be able to utilize it to its total capacity. Therefore, if you need to improve at balancing, purchasing a board that is an inch or two more comprehensive than others is flawlessly proper. However, recollect to avoid buying an overly steady board.

As you continue, balancing the board will become less complicated, and you could get bored with your modern-day board and desire to exchange it for a new one. A paddleboard with immoderate protection functions should hinder your performance in the water. Try to locate a paddleboard that is both advanced and basic. It is constantly less complicated to say than to do; however, once you locate that board, you will store an excellent deal of time, attempt, and money.

What are Your Long-Term SUP Goals?

Consider what you must do for a long time together with your SUP board. The majority of paddlers engage in paddle boarding for recreation or fitness. Additionally, it’s an incredible method for positive human beings to spend time with buddies and a circle of relatives.

However, some paddlers take SUP races critically and give their all whenever they compete. Consider the type of paddler you are and select a board for that reason. Suppose you intend to use your paddleboard mainly for informal paddling. In that case, there may be no motive to purchase a protracted and slender board, an excellent way to make informal paddling difficult and uncomfortable.

A long, slender, and performance-orientated board is the handiest advisable if you regularly compete in SUP races. It is worthwhile to make an effort to determine the SUP sports in which you are most interested and will interact most regularly.

Now that paddle boarding is famous, there are many unique forms of SUP boards, and it is easy to find one which fits your necessities. If you have the time, it’s far more profitable to research those varieties of forums to find the only thing that gives the best of each environment. 

How Do You Store a Racing Paddleboard?

Properly storing your paddle board overnight and all through the off-season is essential to your board’s longevity and overall performance. Ultimately, your paddle board is funded, and if you take appropriate care of it, it must close you for a lifetime. The excellent technique to save a paddle board is on a rack off the floor.

This rack can be mounted either interior or outside your residence’s doors, though putting it in internally is preferred. Otherwise, protect your SUP from the elements by storing it in a garage or carport. Racks with a metal frame and foam padding are chosen for helping heavy loads and stopping harm.


If you have the capacity, storing your paddle board indoors is preferable. The greatest protection from the elements can be found in a basement, garage, shed, or even an upstairs spare room if it is sufficiently sized. You can even contemplate mounting it on the wall in the living room or bedroom as a decorative or artistic piece.

On a Rack

The majority of paddle boarders decide to use a racking system because it is almost always considered to be the most advantageous choice. The rack you use should have padding or straps that gently cradle the board, either on the edges or across the body, and it should be able to support sufficient weight so that the board does not fall off and damage both the wall and the board itself. This is true whether you create your own rack or purchase one that has already been pre-fabricated.


If you want to keep your board out of the way while also protecting it from potential damage, hanging it from the ceiling in your basement or garage is a fantastic way to do both. You can purchase a suspension system from either a physical store that sells athletic goods or from an internet retailer. You also have the option of making your own wide webbing straps. Just remember to hang the board in such a way that the hull is facing up towards the ceiling to ensure that the board maintains its structural integrity.


Simply resting a stand-up paddleboard (SUP) against a wall is the simplest and most cost-effective method for storing a SUP. Always lay the board on its side or tail, never on its nose, on top of the padding you have chosen to use. This will add an additional layer of protection not just to the board but also to your flooring.

If you decide to lean it on its tail, keep in mind that the average length of a paddle board is between 10 and 11 feet, so you’ll need a room with a high ceiling in order to store it that way. To stop the board from toppling over, you should use a strap or some wooden pegs to anchor it to the wall on either side. 


You can store your paddleboard outside, but doing so increases the likelihood that it will be damaged. Certain precautions must be taken to guarantee the board’s safety. Placement beneath a veranda, beneath the eaves of a roof, or beneath a tarp are all viable options. When considering outdoor storage, search for the following features:


A shady location will shield the SUP from harmful UV radiation or sunlight. If shade is limited or unavailable, the best option is to cover the entire length of the board with a weather-resistant tarp. To prevent mold or fungal growth, be sure to suspend it above the board as opposed to encircling it. Additionally, keep the board off the ground or pavement to prevent ground moisture from affecting it.

Protection from the Elements

Ensure that the board is adequately protected from precipitation and snow. As mentioned previously, a tarp that is strung up and suspended above the earth is an ideal choice. In addition, severe wind can damage a SUP, so if you don’t have a deck to store it under, position it in a sheltered area surrounded by trees.

How Do You Transport a Racing Paddleboard?

Top of a Car

The orientation is the primary consideration. Paddleboards must be positioned fin-up in front of the vehicle. This precaution prevents the fin from falling off the back of your vehicle should the straps become loose while you are traveling.

With the correct orientation in mind, place the paddle board on your head and gingerly walk to the car’s roof. Lean against the vehicle and mount the front portion of the board (fin forward). Then, while the board is still on your head, walk back to the rear of the board and maneuver its body onto the rear portion of the vehicle.

On a Roof Rack

Due to the upward push in the reputation of crossovers and SUVs, many automobiles now include manufacturing unit- or aftermarket-installable roof racks or rails for putting in crossbars. If your vehicle has crossbars, you have options: affix the board without delay to the crossbars or use a SUP-precise rack with straps that bolt to the crossbars. SUP helps may also save time; they may be high-priced, so most people use crossbars as a substitute.

If you pick to mount them immediately to the handlebars, you ought to defend them with safety. This accomplishes two objectives. Initially, it protects your paddle board from metallic crossbars. Second, it permits your board to sink into the padding, decreasing the opportunity to move around even while riding. 

Padding alternatives include rigid foam, branded crossbar cushions, and even Styrofoam pool noodles, which can be without problems cut in half and slipped over the bars. Place the board on top of the padding, ensuring that it does not make it bigger too way over the rear of the vehicle. Depending on the length of the board, it can increase over the windshield and barely pass the rear bumper before being secured to the roof rack with harnesses. 

In a Truck

Transporting a paddle board via car is lots easier than mounting it to the automobile’s roof. However, you cannot truly place the board inside the rear of your truck and power away. It will help if you protect your board from bumps and challenging roads.

Clear out your car bed and line it with padding to accomplish this. You can even improvise in regards to the sort of cushioning you hire. It’ll suffice as long as it is pliable and protects your board. Depending on your paddle board’s duration, you can lower the tailgate and region horizontally at the padding or preserve the tailgate up and place the board diagonally. If you keep the tailgate up, ensure it’s miles padded to protect your board. Lastly, you may secure your board with suspenders.

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