Best SUP Yoga Board for Kids: Top Picks for Young Yogis

Stand up paddleboarding, or SUP, is a popular water sport that combines balance, strength, and the peacefulness of being on the water. It’s an activity that families can enjoy together, and it comes with a variety of health benefits, including improved core strength and cardiovascular fitness. Yoga on a SUP, or SUP yoga, takes it to another level, allowing practitioners to perform yoga poses while floating on water, challenging their balance and enhancing their focus.

For kids, SUP yoga can be particularly fun and beneficial, as it nurtures their love for the outdoors, teaches them balance, and encourages a sense of calm. The best SUP yoga board for a child is one that is stable, lightweight, and sized appropriately for their smaller stature. Features like a soft top for comfort, carry handles for easy transportation, and a non-slip deck are important considerations.

When shopping for a SUP yoga board for kids, it’s crucial to look at the board’s dimensions and volume, ensuring it’s not too large or too heavy for the child to handle. The durability of the material is also key to withstand bumps and scrapes. Stability is another major factor since it will help the child perform yoga poses without tipping over easily. With these factors in mind, we’ve put in the hours to evaluate a variety of options designed for young yogis.

Top SUP Yoga Boards for Kids

We’ve gathered a selection of the top stand-up paddle (SUP) boards that are perfect for kids interested in yoga. These boards are stable, durable, and offer a great balance, making them ideal for young yoga enthusiasts to practice their poses on the water. Here are our picks for the best SUP Yoga Boards for kids.

Bluefin Cruise Junior SUP

We definitely recommend this board for kids who love the water and want to try SUP yoga or paddling.


  • Extremely stable and sturdy, perfect for beginners
  • Easily converts into a kayak with additional seating
  • Environment-friendly with a tree planted for each purchase


  • Heavier than some other kids’ SUP boards
  • May be too rigid for smaller children to maneuver
  • Accessories like the action camera mount are sold separately

After spending the day on the water with the Bluefin Cruise Junior SUP, we can vouch for its stability. It truly makes it easy for kids under 5’3″ to keep their balance while trying out new yoga poses. This board, constructed with high-quality materials, has shown its toughness and rigidity.

Transforming the SUP into a kayak is a snap, giving kids more ways to enjoy their time on the water. The included paddle is impressively lightweight which made paddling around a breeze for us. The kids could handle it easily, showing that it’s well-designed for younger paddlers.

We found the SUP’s backpack to be a hit among the kids. Its padded straps made it comfortable to carry to and from the water. Additionally, knowing that a tree is planted with each purchase of this board added a feel-good factor to our experience. If you go with this Bluefin SUP, we’re confident it will provide a fun and safe way for kids to explore the water.

Wavestorm Junior SUP

We think the Wavestorm 8ft Junior Stand Up Paddleboard is a fantastic beginner-friendly option for kids who are eager to start their paddleboarding adventures.


  • Ideal for young beginners
  • Lightweight construction
  • Versatile for various water conditions


  • Narrow board may affect stability
  • More suitable as a surfboard
  • Might be too small for kids over 5ft

Paddling out on the Wavestorm Junior SUP, we noticed right away how easy it was to handle. It’s light enough for youngsters to carry to the water on their own, which is a big plus for fostering independence. The smaller size means that kids have an easier time maneuvering it, and there’s a sense of confidence that comes from them being able to control the board effortlessly.

In use, this board showed its versatility. Whether it’s a calm lake or gentle ocean waves, it seemed to glide smoothly across the surface. The scaled-down design is great for those under 5 feet tall, allowing for a better paddle grip and stroke for small bodies. Our hands-on experience underscored its suitability for newer paddlers, provided they stay within the recommended weight limit.

One thing we did observe was the board’s width. It’s considerably narrower compared to other beginner boards, so kids might need a little time to adjust to its stability. Calling it a yoga board might be stretching it slightly; it’s akin to a surfboard and excels in that role. Taller or larger kids may find it less suitable as they can outgrow it pretty fast.

In conclusion, the Wavestorm Junior SUP feels like a solid choice for introducing children to the world of SUP and surfing. It’s manageable, fun, and adaptable – something we certainly appreciate in a youth paddleboard.

Retrospec Weekender Nano

We recommend our young adventurers to give the Retrospec Weekender Nano a try, as its design offers the perfect blend of fun and stability for a child’s paddleboarding experience.


  • Enhanced stability, great for kids’ balance
  • Lightweight and easy to carry around
  • Complete set with all necessary accessories


  • Durability may be an issue with intense use
  • Limited weight capacity for growing children
  • A small number of reports of manufacturing defects

After multiple outings with the Retrospec Weekender Nano 2, we’ve noticed its solid design tailored specifically for children. The wider body and rounded hull support a young one’s balance, making it an excellent choice for kids just starting out or already into SUP Yoga. Plus, with its surfboard-like shape, we can confidently say it glides through water smoothly, making every paddle feel effective and fun.

What we find especially appealing is how light this paddleboard is. Our little paddlers can carry it themselves, giving them a sense of independence. The included kid-sized rucksack and the easy grab handles have truly made transport a breeze. We’ve seen firsthand that it stands up to the usual knocks and bumps with a tough exterior.

The Weekender Nano 2 comes with all the gear our kids need to get started right away. The EVA deck pad is a significant comfort and safety feature, adding grip underfoot, which we find crucial during those yoga poses. And the board’s buoyancy and responsiveness have clearly been engineered with the young user in mind.

However, we have to point out, from our experience, that while it’s sturdy, the board might not withstand rough handling over time. This isn’t a major issue since it’s designed for children, but something to be mindful of. We’ve seen a couple of models with minor defects, but these are few and far between. Parents should keep in mind that as kids grow, they may outgrow this board, but it’s ideal for that sweet spot in their younger years.

Concluding, the Retrospec Weekender Nano is a solid pick for any kid’s SUP Yoga adventures. It hits that sweet spot of being just the right size, just the right weight, and just the right amount of stability for the younger crowd.

ISLE Pioneer SUP

For a fun and stable SUP experience for kids and yoga enthusiasts, the ISLE Pioneer is a solid choice.


  • Extremely durable, takes a beating
  • Very stable, great for yoga or beginners
  • Quick inflation and setup


  • Carrying bag durability could be better
  • Fin installation can be tricky
  • Higher price point than some competitors

We’ve been on this board several times, and it’s easy to see why it suits the kids so well. The stability offers peace of mind; our youngest paddlers hop on without any trouble maintaining their balance, making it perfect for those new to the sport or looking to flow through a yoga sequence.

One thing we really appreciate is how the ISLE Pioneer handles wear and tear. Accidents happen, especially with kids, but this board has yet to show any major signs of abuse.

Inflation doesn’t take long, so we can transition from car to water swiftly. The pack-up process is similarly straightforward, and though the board is a bit on the heavier side, we find the extra weight contributes to the overall solid feel when paddling.

However, we have noticed the carrying bag could use some reinforcement. It’s not a deal-breaker, but something to be mindful of. And setting up the fin required a bit more elbow grease than expected; patience is key.

But these are minor concerns compared to the overall quality and experience. Every time we paddle out with this board, we’re reminded of how much pleasure it adds to our water adventures.


We think it’s a smart buy because it’s a kid-friendly paddle board offering both fun and safety features.


  • Lightweight and easy for children to manage
  • Extra handles and paddle buckle for safety
  • Comes with all necessary SUP accessories for immediate use


  • Only suitable for kids up to 165 pounds
  • May require an electric pump for quicker inflation
  • Might be less durable than some heavier boards

We’ve had a blast using the SEASEESUP Kids SUP. Its design caught our eye right out of the gate. Kids can quickly fall in love with its vibrant color and cartoonish style. Out on the lake, its stability impressed us, making it a hit for beginner paddle boarders.

The thoughtful details really make a difference. While we floated, the handles on the board were great for hanging on when the waves picked up. The buckle that holds the paddle allowed us more freedom to play without worrying about losing our paddle.

However, we noticed that while it is ultra-light, which is normally great for portability, it raises some concerns about how it might hold up over time, especially when faced with regular use or bumps and scratches.

Overall, our experience with the SEASEESUP Kids SUP was positive. Its features are specifically aimed at making SUP yoga or paddling easy and safe for kids, and everything you need comes right in the backpack. If you’ve got a young one itching to hit the water, this is a solid choice to consider.

Buying Guide

When choosing the best SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) yoga board for kids, there are several features to consider:

  • Stability: Look for a wide, thick board. A wider base offers better balance, which is very important for yoga poses. The thickness also contributes to buoyancy and stability.
  • Material: Most boards are made from PVC or foam. PVC is durable and often used in inflatable boards, while foam offers a soft surface for comfort during yoga poses.
  • Weight Capacity: Make sure the board can support the child’s weight. Each board has a maximum weight capacity, which is important for safety and performance.
  • Size: The board’s length impacts maneuverability. Shorter boards are easier for kids to handle. Think about the child’s size and the board’s dimensions.
  • Portability: Inflatable boards are great for easy transport and storage. They come with a pump and can be deflated to fit into a backpack.
  • Accessories: Some boards come with extra features like a non-slip deck pad for better grip during yoga poses, carry handles, bungee straps for securing belongings, or a paddle.

Remember to always prioritize safety features and choose a board that’s appropriate for the child’s age and skill level.

Frequently Asked Questions

When picking a SUP yoga board for kids, it is vital to consider specific features that ensure safety and enhance their yoga experience. We will discuss the ideal characteristics, materials, age recommendations, appropriate board size, and stability factors for children’s use. Additionally, we will touch on family-friendly SUP yoga boards.

What features should I look for in a paddle board for children’s yoga?

For kids’ yoga, we want a paddle board that is stable, lightweight, and has a soft top. It should also include a grip pad to prevent slipping. The paddle board must be easy for children to maneuver both in and out of the water.

How do different paddle board materials affect yoga practice for kids?

The materials used in paddle boards influence their durability and stability. Inflatable boards are often softer and lower the risk of injury, making them suitable for kids. Hard boards made of fiberglass or epoxy may offer more stability, but they can be heavier and harder to transport.

At what age can children safely participate in stand-up paddle board yoga?

Children can start SUP yoga around the age of six, but it depends on their swim level, balance, and comfort with water. Always ensure that they are under adult supervision and wearing a personal flotation device for safety.

What size of yoga paddle board is suitable for a child?

A yoga paddle board for a child should generally be between 9 to 11 feet in length and about 30 inches in width. This size offers a good balance between stability and manageability for a child’s smaller frame.

How does SUP yoga board stability vary for children’s use?

Stability for kids’ SUP yoga boards is crucial and is affected by width and thickness. Wider and thicker paddle boards will be more stable on the water, which is important for maintaining balance during yoga poses.

Are there specific SUP yoga boards designed for family activities that include children?

Yes, there are SUP yoga boards built for family use, featuring wider decks and reinforced structures to support more weight. These often allow for multiple users at once, perfect for group activities with children.

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