What is a Wooden Surfboard: Guide to Choosing the Best One

A wooden surfboard is a unique, eco-friendly alternative to traditional surfboards crafted from foam or other synthetic materials. These boards are made from different types of wood, such as pine, poplar, and balsa, each offering specific characteristics and aesthetics. While they may be heavier than their counterparts, wooden surfboards can provide a great sense of stability and an unmatched natural connection with the waves.

Choosing the best wooden surfboard for you involves several factors. Primarily, consider the type of wood that suits your preferences in appearance and performance. Pine and poplar tend to be more affordable, while balsa is lightweight and highly desirable. Another essential aspect to factor in is the size and shape of the surfboard. Your skill level, height, and weight all play an important role in determining the dimensions of the board that will work best for you.

When selecting the perfect wooden surfboard, it’s crucial to strike a balance between aesthetics, performance, and sustainability. You may want to look into the craftsmanship of well-known brands, like Tonn Surfboards and Truwood, which are highly regarded for their wooden surfboard designs. Investing time in learning about different types of wood, features, and manufacturers will not only help you find a surfboard that matches your needs and style but will also contribute to a more environmentally-friendly surfing experience.

Benefits of a Wooden Surfboard


A wooden surfboard is one of the best options for surfers due to the natural strength and durability of wood. Often made from Paulownia wood, wooden surfboards have a high strength-to-weight ratio, which means they can stand up to the wear and tear of constantly being in the ocean. This strength makes wooden surfboards a reliable choice for any surfing enthusiast, regardless of the type of surfing they’re doing.


Wooden surfboards offer a unique and authentic surfing experience. The natural flexibility of the wood combined with a well-designed shape allows the surfboard to pick up speed more effortlessly than some other materials. The buoyancy of the wooden surfboard helps it glide smoother and faster through the water, enabling you to catch more waves and make those thrilling rides.


Wooden surfboards come in various sizes, catering to the needs and skill levels of different surfers. Whether you’re a beginner aiming for a larger, more stable board or an advanced surfer seeking a smaller, highly maneuverable wooden surfboard, the possibilities are endless. You can easily find a wooden surfboard that fits your individual surfing style and preferences.


The adaptability of wood as a material is another benefit of wooden surfboards. With the craftsmanship and technology available today, you can choose from a wide range of different wooden surfboard designs. From the classic longboard to the new-age custom shapes, wooden surfboards provide a versatile option for surfers looking to try something new and eco-friendly. Moreover, wooden surfboards often require less maintenance due to their natural resistance to water and can give you a long-lasting surfing companion.

So, when you’re considering your next surfboard, don’t overlook the benefits of wooden surfboards – their strength, speed, diverse sizes, and adaptability make them an excellent choice for any surfer.

What Are Wooden Surfboards Made Of

Wooden surfboards are an excellent alternative to traditional surfboards made from synthetic materials like polystyrene and polyurethane. The construction of a wooden surfboard consists of a few essential components, including the core, deck, rails, and fins.

The core of a wooden surfboard is typically made from balsa wood, which is lightweight and provides the necessary buoyancy. This core is often sandwiched between two layers of fiberglass for added stability and strength. It is important to choose a high-quality balsa wood for the core, as this will greatly impact the performance of your wooden surfboard.

Surrounding the core is the deck, which can be made of various wood veneers or solid wood. This layer protects the core from external factors, such as water and sunlight, while giving the wooden surfboard its unique look and feel. The deck is an essential component in ensuring that your surfboard stays in top condition, so it is crucial to select a durable and water-resistant wood.

In addition to the core and deck, wooden surfboards also feature rails, which are the edges of the board that impact its ability to turn and maneuver in the water. A wooden surfboard’s rails are also usually made of the same wood as the core and deck, which helps maintain the overall aesthetics and performance.

Finally, wooden surfboards also consist of fins, which are essential for controlling the board in the water. These fins can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, fiberglass, or even recycled materials, depending on the designer’s preference.

In summary, wooden surfboards are constructed using a combination of elements — primarily wood for the core, deck, and rails, along with fiberglass and sometimes resin to strengthen and protect the structure. Choosing a wooden surfboard made of high-quality materials will ensure that your board performs optimally and lasts for many years to come.

Common Constructions for Most Wooden Surfboards

When it comes to choosing a wooden surfboard, it’s essential to understand the common constructions available in the market. This section will discuss the two primary types of wooden surfboards: Solid Wooden Surfboards and Hollow Wooden Surfboards.

Solid Wooden Surfboards

A solid wooden surfboard, as the name suggests, is crafted from a single, solid piece of wood. The board is shaped and sculpted to achieve the desired dimensions and curvature. While these boards may have a unique, aesthetic look, they have some downsides.

  • Weight: Solid wooden surfboards tend to be heavier compared to other construction types, making them more challenging to maneuver in the water.
  • Durability: Although wood is a strong and resilient material, solid wooden surfboards can still be susceptible to dings and damage. Regular maintenance is needed to ensure the board’s longevity.

Hollow Wooden Surfboards

Hollow wooden surfboards are a popular choice among surfers looking for a lighter alternative to solid wood construction. These boards are made by assembling wooden frame components and then covering them with thin wooden planks or veneer.

  • Weight: Hollow wooden surfboards are lighter than solid wood boards because they utilize a skeletal frame and thin outer layer. This reduced weight helps improve maneuverability and performance in the water.
  • Customization: Hollow wooden surfboards can be built with various wood species, allowing you to choose a board that has the appearance and properties you desire.
  • Flexibility: The internal framework of hollow wooden surfboards can be designed to provide more flexible performance characteristics. This flexibility makes the boards more responsive to your movements when surfing.

When choosing a wooden surfboard, consider the construction type that aligns with your surfing preferences, skill level, and aesthetic desires. Both solid and hollow wooden surfboards offer unique riding experiences, so it’s essential to understand their characteristics before making a decision.

Best Wooden Surfboards

Best Wooden Surfboard for Surfing

If you’re looking for a high-performance wooden surfboard, the No-Made Nostromo Fish&Retro is an excellent choice. This beautifully crafted wooden surfboard is perfect for those who not only want to enjoy surfing but also care about the environment.

No-Made Nostromo Fish&Retro

No-Made is a three-person team dedicated to creating top-quality, eco-friendly surfboards. They offer a variety of hollow wooden boards, ranging from shortboards to longboards, all made from premium materials.

One of their best-selling mid-length boards is the Nostromo Fish&Retro. This surfboard is crafted from Paulownia wood, a durable and lightweight wood native to Asia. The hollow design of the board contributes to its superb balance and maneuverability, enhancing your surfing experience.

The Nostromo Fish&Retro features a pressure vent near the nose, which keeps the board’s performance at its peak. With a stylish and elegant design, the surfboard is adorned with pigmented resin graphics and No-Made’s intricately fire-burned logo.

In summary, for surfers who desire a wooden surfboard that delivers high performance without compromising on style or sustainability, the No-Made Nostromo Fish&Retro is an ideal choice.

Best Wooden Surfboard for Beginners

Tonn The Lysander Wooden Surfboard

For beginners looking for a wooden surfboard that offers an ideal balance of style, performance, and usability, the Tonn The Lysander is an excellent choice. Crafted from solid wood, this mid-length surfboard features a honeycomb core, making it lighter than traditional polyurethane boards.

The Lysander is designed to accommodate surfers of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced riders. Its larger size offers increased volume for added stability and buoyancy, enabling a smoother surfing experience for those new to the sport.

In addition to being lightweight, the Lysander boasts a unique bottom contour, which enhances wave riding and provides better balance as you progress in your surfing abilities. This design feature makes it an excellent beginner surfboard for those who want to improve their skills on a wooden surfboard.

In conclusion, if you’re a novice surfer searching for a wooden surfboard that combines elegance, craftsmanship, and performance, the Tonn The Lysander is an ideal option. While offering the traditional aesthetics of a wooden surfboard, it also delivers impressive functionality, making it a perfect choice for both beginners and more experienced surfers.

Best Wooden Surfboard for Advanced Surfers

As an advanced surfer, you might be looking for a wooden surfboard that combines tradition with modern execution. A great option for you to consider is the Truwood Black Mamba Surfboard. This board is versatile, allowing you to catch both small and big waves with ease.

Truwood Black Mamba Surfboard

The Black Mamba surfboard is one of the most special boards in the Truwood collection. With its blend of traditional design and contemporary performance, this board is perfect for intermediate and advanced surfers.

The wooden construction of the Truwood Black Mamba Surfboard lends it a unique aesthetic, while also providing durability and buoyancy. Its versatility and performance make it an excellent choice for those looking to ride a variety of wave conditions.

When selecting the best wooden surfboard for your needs, remember to consider your skill level, preferred wave conditions, and desired performance characteristics. The Truwood Black Mamba Surfboard is an excellent option for advanced surfers looking for a versatile and well-designed wooden surfboard.

Best Wooden Surfboard for Racing

Kayu The Brunette Surfboard

When it comes to choosing a wooden surfboard for racing, the Kayu The Brunette Surfboard stands out. As a high-quality surfboard, it takes advantage of balsa wood, a material well-suited for crafting surfboards due to its lightweight, durable, and buoyant nature. This ensures a remarkable, sustainable, and foolproof performance in the water.

The Brunette, a sleek and lightweight surfboard, derives its inspiration from the Malibu model. Its alluring shape guarantees an enjoyable riding experience, effortlessly gliding over the waves. Moreover, the board’s clean lines facilitate smooth and easy maneuvering, allowing you to make the most out of your racing experience.

In summary, the Kayu The Brunette Surfboard is a top choice for those in search of the best wooden surfboard for racing. Its use of balsa wood, combined with a sleek design and easy maneuverability, ensures you’ll enjoy a high-performance ride through the waves.

Best Wooden Surfboard for Tricks

Grain The Sapling Surfboard

When looking for a wooden surfboard that’s perfect for tricks, consider Grain’s Sapling Surfboard. This versatile, mid-length board is suitable for both beginners and advanced surfers, offering an excellent option for those transitioning from shortboards to longboards.

The Sapling’s moderate rocker and paddle speed allow you to handle steeper drops with ease, while the full point of the board helps create concentrated float as you paddle. This results in fluid, responsive turns and trims, making it an ideal surfboard for performing tricks and adapting to various wave conditions.

In addition to its performance capabilities, the Sapling’s wooden construction offers both aesthetic appeal and eco-friendly benefits. By choosing a wooden surfboard, you’re also contributing to a more sustainable surfing culture.

So, if you’re in search of a surfboard that not only looks great but also performs well when it comes to tricks and versatility, consider the Grain Sapling Surfboard as a top choice for your next wooden surfboard investment.

Best Wooden Surfboard Brands

Tonn Surfboards

Tonn Surfboards is known for its classy, elegant, and high-quality custom-made wooden surfboards. Their innovative approach to wooden surfboard design has come from extensive research and development, ensuring they provide the best product for your surfing needs.


Truwood Surfboards offers unique, high-performance, and eco-friendly wooden surfboards. One of their most distinguished boards is the Black Mamba, which combines traditional and modern aspects of wooden surfboards. This versatile board can easily handle both small and big waves.


Like Truwood, Otter Surfboards specializes in customized, eco-friendly wooden surfboards with great performance. Their Black Mamba model is also a combination of traditional and modern design and is perfect for various wave conditions.


Kayu Surfboards focuses on producing sustainable balsa wooden surfboards and hollow surfboard blanks, suitable for all types of surfers. They carefully source their balsa wood from Indonesia, ensuring the highest quality for their products.


Grain Surfboards handcrafts wooden surfboards made from locally grown materials. Their attractive and functional designs are built to last a lifetime.


No-Made Boards is a company that creates handcrafted wooden surfboards, skateboards, handplanes, alaia, and powder boards. By using both traditional craftsmanship techniques and modern CAD development systems, they produce sustainable, design-driven, and long-lasting boards.


Flama Surfboards began their journey back in 2010 with the mission to find alternatives for building more sustainable surfboards. Their handmade wooden surfboards focus on reducing environmental impact compared to the traditional surfboard production methods.


Buchholz Surfboards creates handmade surfboards using recyclable EPS and Paulownia wood. Each surfboard is crafted from the blank to the finished board with exceptional attention to detail. The company is based in Ettlingen, Germany.

How to Store a Wooden Surfboard

Storing your wooden surfboard properly is crucial to maintaining its durability and performance. In this section, we’ll discuss two primary storage methods and offer essential tips for preserving your surfboard in the best possible condition.

On a Rack

Using a surfboard rack is an excellent way to store your wooden surfboard safely. You can create a DIY rack by attaching wooden rods to a 2×6 board and securely mounting it onto a wall. To prevent your surfboard from falling, use straps or ropes at the ends of the rods to keep the board in place.

Storage Tips

When storing your wooden surfboard, here are some important tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep your surfboard away from direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can damage the wood.
  • Prevent contact between the rails, tail, and nose of the surfboard and hard surfaces to avoid dings and scratches.
  • Never store your surfboard inside a vehicle, as the temperature fluctuations and lack of ventilation can degrade the materials.
  • Rinse your surfboard with fresh water after each session to remove saltwater residues and minimize potential damage.

By following these storage guidelines, you can maintain the longevity and performance of your wooden surfboard while also protecting your investment.

Disadvantages of a Wooden Surfboard


One major drawback of wooden surfboards is their tendency to crack when exposed to water. While modern techniques have improved the durability of these boards, they still remain susceptible to damage. Water can seep into the wood, causing it to swell and eventually crack. This reduces the overall lifespan of your surfboard and can negatively impact its performance in the waves.

Expensive Wood

Another downside to wooden surfboards is the cost of materials. High-quality wood can be expensive, which may lead to a higher price point for these boards compared to their foam counterparts. Additionally, maintaining and repairing wooden surfboards can be more costly and time-consuming compared to foam boards, as specialized woodworkers may be required to handle repairs.

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